
Showing posts from October, 2019

Types of Water Contamination in Oil.

In our last  #knowyouroil   segment, we had discussed about  Particle Contamination  and its effect on the life of rotating parts. Companies spend a lot of money on installing filtration units to counter particle contamination but never take preventive measures towards water contamination. Water is a worse and silent killer for the life of machinery as it slowly degrades the oil properties and one only gets to know about it when the machine fails pre-maturely. In this article, we will try to understand the basics of  Water Contamination . We will also try to answer the following questions. 1. What water does to oil properties? 2. Can we see water contamination as soon as it starts?     3. What to do if our oil is contaminated? To check your machine's, follow: There are three phases in which water can exist in oil i.e.  disso...