
Showing posts from November, 2019

Is your new Oil free from Contaminants?

Whenever we experience  contamination   in our oil our instant reaction or resort is to change the lubricant and replace it with a new one. But the question is, is our new oil free from contaminants?  Contact  Minimac  for oil check:  +91 7030901266 Lubricants are supplied in two forms i.e. in  bulk through tankers  and in the  packaged form  such as steel drums, plastic drums/cans. Both of these options are prone to the risk of lubricant degradation in storage. Let’s understand how to maintain fresh and clean inventory. 1.  Product Labelling : This is key to avoid any cross-contamination or old stocking of lubricants. A label should reflect the following: a. The date container has been opened. b.  Purchase & delivery date of the drum c.  Product name d.  Inventory code e.  Storage location f.  Min & Max inventory levels 2.  Inventory management : ...

How & How much to Lubricate?

It is a well-known fact that lubricant’s key responsibility is surface separation and protection. It reduces friction and saves a lot of costs that a company incurs in events of  premature failure.  One of the things that people talk about very seldom is when to lubricate and how much to lubricate. Does over lubrication saves or increases the  maintenance  expense? Is there a sweet spot or optimum point for lubrication? In this article, we will discuss how to work around your lubrication schedule to save on operational costs and simultaneously reduce energy consumption? To get answers ping us : +91 7030901266 As presented in a report by Dr. H. Peter Jost’s Projected Economic Benefits Associated With Improved Lubrication Design and Practice, “ A large percentage of lubrication programs operate inefficiently and on auto-pilot”.  Some of the properties where too little or excess consumes too much energy: 1. Viscosity 2. Grease Con...