Best practices for maintenance of FRF in turbine EHC system
What is a Turbine EH System ? Electro-Hydraulic Control system (EHC system) of a turbine is the most critical equipment of a power plant. It’s the heart of a turbine which controls steam flow into the turbine. A malfunctioning EHC system can lead to turbine stoppage and thereafter create a dominoes effect on the synchronized processes of the power plant. Breakdown-free and reliable operation of the EHC system is the biggest challenge of an Operation & Maintenance Manager. To learn more follow: Due to high steam pressure & temperature in the vicinity of a steam turbine, as safety compliance, it is a mandate to use Fire Resistant Fluids (FRF) for hydraulic control of the EHC system. A specially designed synthetic fluid called tri-xylenyl phosphate ester demonstrates best fire resistant properties for the application. Phosphate esters are polar fluids with excellent lubricating properties...