

  Lubricant is the blood of the equipment !!! It provides frictionless operation and longevity to the Equipment. The use of the right lubricant saves equipment from wear and tear and minimizes maintenance and repair costs.  Taking care of lubricants and maintaining these properties are an essential part of maintenance activity. Condition monitoring and timely filtration ensure contamination-free Oil, flawless operation, and rare incidents of a mechanical breakdown. Inventory management & identification plays a vital role in machinery and plant maintenance. To know more about the importance of inventory management, click here . CHALLENGES OF LUBRICANT!! Lubricants face many challenges in providing lubrication to mechanical equipment, depending on the environment they operate in. Temperature Fluctuations, Heat, Heavy Load, Entrained Air, etc. are some of the challenges faced by Lubricants. These challenges invite different types of contaminations which redu...

Importance of oil analysis

 Lubricants can not be re-used, can they? Lubricants can not be re-used and should be replaced is a Myth. Well, the fact is with today’s advanced technology and lubrication reliability practices, reusing lubricants saves a large amount of money that is spent on replacing them. With the right lubricants reconditioning practices used for different contamination challenges, Lubricants are made fit and as good as new for the Equipment. Now, let us understand why Oil Analysis should be performed on a regular basis. Oil Analysis is often skipped or performed in an unscheduled manner which affects the machine's performance and life. Challenges related to lubricants which one can easily avoid with scheduled analysis gets worse  because of poor oil analysis practices Below are some reasons Why scheduled Oil Analysis is Important: 1) Keeping a check on the lubricant's condition. 2) Knowing What type and How much Contaminants are present, makes reclamation easier. 3) Health...

Lubrication Reliability

  Why is keeping a check on Lubricant so important in Rolling Mills? Hot Strip Mill, Cold Rolling Mill, Primary Boom Bar Mill, Bar, and Wire Rod Mill and Merchant Mill are parts of the rolling and finishing group. The equipment is subjected to high impact loads, water and scale ingress, high temperature near reheating furnaces, and higher speed and unit loads in the rolling and finishing group. This has a negative impact on Lubricant and makes them unfit for the equipment. Keeping a regular check on Oil's condition and Purifying it when necessary becomes really important to avoid mechanical breakdown and to control maintenance cost. Minimac System has been promoting Lubrication Reliability practices which have helped Steel plants across India to overcome untimely breakdowns and save a large amount spent on maintenance. A Steam turbine blower was to be commissioned in one of the topmost steel plants in Odisha, India by a leading EPC company, the pipelines were erec...

Contamination Fact

  Precaution Is Better Than Cure! In the Lubrication field, Contaminants are the bad elements that need to be prevented and removed as when detected. Neglecting the need for Purifications often leads to Premature Failure and Mechanical Breakdowns. This shoots up the cost of maintenance and repair of Equipment. While comparing, the Cost of Filtration is approximately 1/10th of the Cost of Repairs. Purification not only turns Lubricant fit for Re-Use but also saves a large portion spent on Maintenance and Repair of Equipment. Lubrication Reliability practices are essential for smooth and uninterrupted Operation and Production.  Join our Network and Connect with Our Experts Today: Click here Contamination in Lubricants is a Bane for Equipment !! Many Lubrication Challenges occur due to various forms of Contamination , resulting in Mechanical Failure and Breakdowns. Design your Contamination Control Strategies in these 3 Easy Steps! > Detection > Prevention > Exclusion ...

Minimac Technology

 The secret recipe of the growth story at Minimac Syste ms has been its capability to drive technological advancement in the field of contamination control for lubrication reliability. Research and development on technology and products have always been the key reason to keep the Minimac products a step ahead of its competitors in the market. Technological development has been one of the core competencies which Minimac possesses, thereby ensuring a definite competitive advantage. Contaminations in lubricants are of various types and characteristics depending on the lubricant, equipment application, ambient conditions, age of equipment, etc. In order to control, separate or eliminate the contamination, there are multiple techniques. Each technique has pros and cons and hence there is no single technology that can be considered universally better than others. ​ Minimac Systems over the years has become equipped with almost all the technologies which are required for c...

Reconditioning of EH Oil at IL&FS Tamil Nadu Power Company Limited

  Customer: IL&FS Tamil Nadu Power Company Limited, is a 1200 MW (2 x 600 MW) Thermal Power Project at Cuddalore district in Tamil Nadu. This case shot is about the awareness of their team towards Lubrication Reliability and robust reconditioning procedures to maintain the parameter of EH Oil within the limit to avoid breakdown of the plant and generation loss. Concern Analysed: Rapid increase in the Total Acid Number (TAN) which could degrade the EH oil and led to possibilities of failure of Servo valve, hunting, power generation loss, unplanned shutdown, etc. Proactive Measures Taken: • Oil Analysis was done to check the properties of EH oil like Moisture, NAS value, Total Acid Number. • External reconditioning System “ MLC LVDH TRIX-20 ” was installed at the site along with the deployment of Service Engineers till the desired target was achieved. Below graph shows the trend analysis of tracked values during the recondition of EH Oil at Unit #2: Solutions Imp...

Reclamation of FRF at Coastal Energen Pvt. Ltd. (Tuticorin)

  Customer: Coastal Energen Pvt. Ltd. (ENERGEN), the power generating flagship company of the coal and oil group, is a 1200 MW coal-fired thermal power plant in the district of Tuticorin in the State of Tamil Nadu, India. Symptom Observation: • The power plant was observing a loss in the production of electricity generation • The operation & maintenance team has identified that the turbine governing command is not functioning properly and is tripping frequently on a regular interval • On further investigation it was found that the servo valve (Moog valve) has failed and showing hunting or sluggish behavior. Problem Identification: Failure of the Moog valve was the main reason for the trip of the turbine and ultimately the reason for the breakdown in the power plant. Poor Oil Analysis Program: an oil analysis is supposed to be done monthly for Particle count & TAN (weekly if the trend is negative) and weekly test for water content but the customer has unde...