What is varnish and its effects
The condition of the oil in lubrication and hydraulic systems is indicative of the health of the entire system. There are two essentials for ensuring productivity, for avoiding malfunctions and for reducing operating costs: 1. Monitoring the fluid condition 2. Continuous maintenance of operating equipment Varnish is a soluble and insoluble contaminant made up of by-products of oil degradation and oxidation. It can appear as a gel-resin like consistency or resemble solid deposits in the oil, or which plates out on the metal surfaces of lube systems. It can be the result of several possible root causes, including high temperatures, electrostatic discharges, lubricant degradation and micro dieseling. Varnish can produce a number of problems related to machine operation, such as valve stiction, lubricant flow restriction, clogged filters, etc. How is varnish different from sludge? Varnish is a tough, adherent oxide or carbonaceous material that coats internal mach...