
Plant Renovation Unveils Critical Role of Hydraulic Flushing in New Compressor Setup- Minimac in Action

  Implementation of Hydraulic Oil Flushing Mitigates Compressor Failures Effectively Synopsis The plant boasting a daily urea production capacity of 3,850 tons based in Dhanbad, had its existing infrastructure under a complete shutdown for 15-20 years leading to a meticulous ground-up renovation and redesign process. The commissioning of the two newly set-up primary compressors required a meticulous hydraulic line flush to ensure optimal performance and to avoid them entering into an early maintenance period Initial Findings Newly installed hydraulic oil pipelines for compressors often undergo on-site fabrication, introducing unwanted deposits and contaminants. Without thorough flushing, these deposits pose a risk of severe damage to the compressor turbine, potentially causing erosion and complete failure. Such premature failures force the compressor into maintenance, disrupting regular operations. The primary cause of initial failure and operational downtime in hydraulic systems i...

Preserving 35 kL of Prime 46 Oil from Solid and Moisture Impurities

Minimac Rescues Bihar Power Station: Customized Solution for Solid Contamination and Moisture Wins. Synopsis In Begusarai, Bihar, a 720 MW coal-fired power station owned by a major PSU recently faced high Solid Contamination and Moisture Levels in two tanks each with 115 MW power potential. To avert disruption, Minimac provided a customized solution, deploying a specialized machine to lower NAS levels and address moisture and solid contamination saving the plant from a potential failure. Initial Findings The power plant's poor operational condition had resulted in the oil degrading to its maximum limit, physical inspection revealed highly contaminated oil with various unwanted contaminants such as sludge, metal parts, insects, dirt, etc. Problems Two primary lubrication oil tanks, each with a substantial 115 MW power potential, experienced significant contamination from solids and moisture. Utilizing the contaminated oil to initiate the turbine posed a critical risk of tripping the...

Effectively reducing the TAN Levels of 32kl of FRF Oil

  Abating TAN Levels: Minimac's Tailored Solution for Critical Oil Values at India's 9th Largest Coal-Fired Power Plant Synopsis In Singrauli, MP, stands a colossal thermal power plant, one of the largest PSUs and the 9th largest coal-fired power station at 4760 MW capacity. Recently, it faced a formidable challenge - high TAN Levels in two 16kl control fluid tanks. To prevent a potential disruption and subsequent shutdown, Minimac provided a customized solution by deploying a specialized machine to lower TAN levels, address moisture, solid contamination and implement effective Nitrogen Blanketing. Initial Findings Two of the control fluid tanks had elevated levels of TAN, Moisture & NAS, which had a direct impact on the Servo Valve Operations. Oil Values NAS TAN Moisture Level Control Fluid Tank at UNIT 11 Class 8 0.62 mg KOH/g 561 PPM Control Fluid Tank at UNIT 12 Class 7 0.52 mg KOH/g 500 PPM Problems The client encountered increased TAN levels in two of their Control Fl...

Efficiently Eliminating Varnish from 23,500 Liters of Oil in Just 516 Hours

  Mitigating a Potential Power Crisis in Western India through Varnish and Solid Contamination Removal Synopsis A Power Plant supplying a major 1967 MW of power to the Western India, based in Dabhol, Maharashtra,and owned by one of the largest PSU’s, faced troubles with recurring turbine trip downs in two of its main turbines due to a sticky oil residue.Varnish and Solid Contaminants were identified with initial MPC values ΔE=38.6 and NAS 1638=Class 12, which needed reduction to ΔE≤15 and NAS 1638≤Class 6.Minimac's FS 500 machine, with a 3-stage system, achieved this in 516 hours, preventing frequent tripping, valve failures, erratic operations, extensive overhauls, and potential losses of ₹50 lakhs. Initial Findings Minimac's team conducted a site visit, analyzing the situation and taking an initial oil sample. Third-party lab testing revealed significant findings, with initial oil MPC values at ΔE=38.6 and NAS 1638 classification of Class 12. Problems The client encountered ...

Oil Reclamation project for the largest oil refinery in WB, India

  A critical oil reclamation project for the largest oil refinery with a capacity of 8 million tonnes per year in West Bengal, India. Synopsis The lube oil used in various industrial equipment such as pumps, compressors, turbines, blowers, turbo generators, recycle gas compressors, wet gas compressors, and coke cutting pumps had critical contamination levels initially. The problem was caused by poor maintenance by a previous service vendor, resulting in the presence of moisture and impurities in the oil tank. To address the issue, Minimac Operations and Maintenance Service (MOMS) carried out a timely service operation to help the plant bring down the moisture count and remove impurities from the oil tank. Before oil purification, NAS ≥ 12, Moisture ≥ 650 PPM; after oil purification, NAS < 5 and Moisture < 200 PPM This helped to improve the quality of the oil used in the equipment and ensure the smooth operation of the plant. Problems The oil was contaminated with moisture and...