High Velocity Oil Flushing

 High velocity oil flushing is performed to remove contaminants from the various industrial equipment. It is one of the most important maintenance processes that is designed to extend the life of rotating equipment as well as other industrial machinery.

The flow rate is a parameter which  plays an important role  while performing high velocity oil flushing, Ignoring it can cause major damage.

Let’s understand in detail about high velocity flushing.

  • High Velocity Oil Flushing -

What? When? How? Why? .... all answered below!!

What - High-Velocity Oil Flushing (HVOF) is performed to remove contaminants from the piping and tubing of critical hydraulic and lube oil systems

When - At Commissioning and shutdown stage as these contaminants range from pipe scale, welding slag, metal shavings, dirt, dust, water, varnish, etc. Also in scheduled and breakdown maintenance of equipment whose efficiency has reduced due to contaminants and pipeline scaling.

How - Just give us a Call!!

Why - Helps you boost equipment reliability and avoid costly downtime due to varnish/sludge formation in the lube system.

Most of the industries believe that  High-Velocity Oil Flushing costs a lot of money. If you also think so, Let us tell you that it is not that costly, If one chooses the right approach.

  • High-Velocity Oil Flushing V/S Flushing-

Laminar flow or commonly known as Normal flow is used in Flushing which has been proved to be ineffective in removing all sludges and other contaminations from the piping surface, In that case, High Velocity flushing proven to be more effective.

Whereas High-Velocity Oil Flushing uses Turbulent flow which effectively flushes out every bit of contamination, which is more effective than than normal flow.

Confusing Normal Flushing with High-Velocity Oil Flushing has been a common error in the power industry which has resulted in breakdowns affecting the overall productivity, eventually.

We at  Minimac offer a solution globally by studying and analyzing your pain areas.

Reach out to us in case any query or requirement arises.


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