Low Vacuum Dehydration System

 Free, Emulsified & Dissolved Moisture in your Oil?

This machine will remove them ALL !!

Minimac  MLC-LVDH oil purification systems are popularly used for filtration (fine solid particle removal) and dehydration (Free, Emulsified & Dissolved moisture removal) of lubricating and hydraulic oils.

These high-end technology machines are externally attached, independently operating by-pass oil purifying machines.

Being used in various Industrial Plants for Lubrication Reliability, MLC-LVDH is an efficient and effective solution for removing contamination from Oil.

Check out our video to explore the working of this system.

Wanna know why Low Vacuum Dehydration is better than the previous techniques of Centrifuging, Coalescing, and Moisture Absorption?

Because of the very reason that:

1) It Removes all three forms of Moisture. (Dissolved, Emulsified, and Freeform.)

2) It does not involve any Consumables or Costly Spares because of Rotating parts.

The technology revolves around the fact that the water boiling point is 100-degree centigrade when the vapour pressure above the water surface is atmospheric pressure. But when we reduce the vapour pressure to a vacuum condition, say 750 torr, it's evident that the boiling point of water reduces from 100-degree centigrade to 60-degree centigrade.

Would you like to receive a quotation for this system? Let us know.

Click here to register your spot for our upcoming free webinar on “ Oil Analysis to Achieve Zero Mechanical Breakdown ".


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