Beta Factor

 What is the Beta Ratio?

The beta ratio refers to the efficiency in which a given filter element removes the particle of a given size. It is calculated using the ISO multi-pass test standard 16889:1999. This factor plays an important role in buying the oil filter.

How is it measured?

This test involves adding particles of a known size to the test fluid until the fluid reaches an immersion point and afterward bringing the channel online to eliminate particles in a single pass through the component.

Consider that the beta proportion is very important for a specific size of the molecule

For example, if 100,000 five micron particles were measured, on average, before the filter, and 100 five micron particles were measured after the filter, the beta ratio was 1,000.

We at Minimac Systems Pvt Ltd. provide services of Total Lubrication Management and Lubrication Consulting that help you optimize your Lubrication needs.

In the realm of filters and filtration, the Beta Ratio assumes a significant job.

There have been complaints of breakdowns in hydraulic systems primarily because of the inappropriate Beta Ratio and significant levels of generous defilement.

Beta Ratio acquires the adequacy of the hydraulic system. It helps in the anticipation of the disappointment of the filtration procedure.

It is the Beta Ratio, a rating framework that helps the clients, the filter manufacturer just as the filter user, to get the right image of the adept filter to utilize.

It causes a client to see how the quantities of particles present per unit volume may influence the whole system.

Each Beta factor corresponds to the efficiency of the filter, the same can be matched as per the chart.

So, to purchase a filter with a beta ratio of 2-10 is considered poor, it is advised to use filters with at least a Beta factor of 75 and 98.7% effectiveness.

High-quality efficient filter assemblies can achieve a 200 to 2000 Beta Ratio for given particle size and should be ideal to achieve a low level of contamination.

The manufacturer of filters and filtration systems shows the Beta Ratio as a sign of care and standard.

Register today for our upcoming webinar on “Contamination-Check & Control Techniques”. 


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