Are you trying to make your oil look better than it is?

 Oils are used to reduce friction, heat and wear between mechanical components that are in contact with each other. Lubricants are like the blood of your machines. As blood sampling represents the well being of a human body so does the lubricants in case of machines.

However, a wrong sampling technique might not reveal the true condition of the machine and thus, leads to the wrong representation and pre-mature breakdown. Thus, MINIMAC SYSTEMS is starting this #knowyouroil series under which we will make you aware of:

  • How to collect a sample
  • Type of contaminants and how they are harmful for your machines
  • Oil analysis and how to decode it

Oil changes are mostly done under two conditions:

  1. On the basis of time or operating hours
  2. On the basis of oil condition
Most of the time, changing oil based on time or operating hours is expensive and hence, changing based on oil condition is more viable. At this juncture, an Oil Analysis Report is key to decision making. For accurate oil analysis, correct sampling is the pre-requisite. For queries related to Oil Testing:

3 points to be considered while taking sample:

  1. TURBULENCE: The best sampling point is the place like sharp elbows or bends where the oil turns a lot and thus, carries a lot of impurities. The point which are located where the flow is laminar tends to have lesser particle carrying tendency and as a result, makes the oil appear cleaner than what it is.
  2. INGRESSION POINTS: Oil samples should be taken downstream of parts that have a lot of wear and tear and before the oil gets into the inlet to the main oil tank. As once the oil gets mixed with the rest of the oil, the contamination gets diluted and results in poor sample.
  3. FILTRATION: Inline filters ensure that they provide cleaner oil to the machinery downstream of them. If a sample is taken downstream to the filters it will be a lot cleaner than what the actual sample is until unless the filter is not working and is in the by-passed condition. Hence, the sample at all times should be taken upstream to the filters.
When a true representative sample goes for oil analysis it can give answer to the following questions:
(Call +91 8975150700 to book an appointment)

  • Whether the oil is suitable for further use or requires filtration, dehydration/flushing?
  • What are the types of contaminants in the oil? Are they in the limit as per ISO standards?
  • What is the condition of the rotating part? Is there excessive wear and tear?
  • Are there problems like Sludge/Varnish developing which requires flushing of the entire system.

Get your machine's oil check today with our technical expert by clicking on or call +91 8975150700.

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